Urmston Community Hub
Main organisation: Age UK Trafford
What is Age UK Trafford?
Age UK Trafford has supported the people of Trafford since 1975, firstly as The Older Peoples Welfare Committee, then as Age Concern Trafford and more recently as Age UK Trafford. It is an independent local charity that uses its resources only in the Brough of Trafford. It provides its services across the whole Borough.
Its present services include dementia advice service, mild cognitive impairment support, falls prevention information and classes, general information, and advice for over 50’s, social prescribing, dementia specialist day care, benefits checks and form completion, social activities, a “get connected” project to help older people get online, a home library service, a traders list, a regular free legal surgery onsite and various volunteering opportunities. Within the next two months it will also have a dedicated mental health support resource for over 50’s.
Age UK Trafford is also the West Lead for the VCFSE Collective, which is bringing the voice of the voluntary sector and local people together across Trafford.
Trafford Carers Centre is also on site every Thursday.

What does the Urmston Community Hub do?
From the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic Age UK Trafford continued to provide all its key services and to act as a community hub for the distribution of food, medication, advice, information and support to the most vulnerable in the community.
As the pandemic moves slowly towards its endemic stage we continue to support our local Food Bank with the distribution of food boxes, to provide information and advice, to carry out benefit checks, to provide information on local activities, and to distribute a household support fund for essential items including fuel top ups.

Urmston hub opening times:
Monday 9.30am - 4pm
Tuesday 9.30am - 4pm
Wednesday 9.30am - 4pm
Thursday 9.30am - 4pm
Friday 9.30am - 4pm
Urmston hub contact information:
Phone: 0161 746 9754
Address: The Sharples Building 1-3 Church Road, Urmston M41 9EH
Email: urmstonhub@ageuktrafford.org.uk
Website: www.ageuk.org.uk/trafford
Manager: Karen Glendinning

Local partners and supporters:
Trafford Carers Centre, The Toy House, Citizens Advice Trafford, Diabetic Eye Clinic, Stretford Food Bank, Trafford Borough Council, Trafford Assist, Thrive Trafford, Citizens Advice Trafford, Trafford Housing Trust,
Altrincham FC, Sport England, George Carnall Community Hub and many individuals and other partners during the course of our work.
You can contact the Urmston Hub about the following:
General information and advice
Loneliness/someone to talk to
Food bank voucher issuing
Emergency financial assistance
Digital device loaning
Energy top-ups
Latest advice on Covid 19
Benefits advice
Age UK Trafford can also provide:
Please note: Age UK Trafford provide these services across the whole Borough not just Urmston​
Benefit checks and form completion for over 50’s
Support to carers of people over 50
Information and advice
Social prescribing
Dementia day care
Dementia advice and support
Mild Cognitive Impairment support
Health Bus – health checks for older people
Home Library Service
Falls Prevention advice and exercise classes
Energy Efficiency information
Digital support for people over 50
Volunteering opportunities including supporting local organisations
Charity retail
Legal surgery
Traders List
Residential & Nursing Care Bed Vacancy List
Social Activities: including exercise class, afternoon tea, afternoon matinee, weekly online Connect session.
Other information
Age UK Trafford has some rooms available for hire. It also holds public information events from time to time on issues such as Winter Warmth, Energy Efficiency, Electric Blanket Testing, Falls Prevention etc.