Old Trafford
St John's Centre Old Trafford
Main organisation: St John's Centre
What is St John's Centre?
St John’s Centre was set up in response to community need 40 years ago. Our aim is to support people who are marginalised and disadvantaged in any way, and to enrich the quality of life for people living in Old Trafford. We are based in the heart of the community, and we are a place of trust and welcome to everyone who visits.
Through our Hub work we provide both an emergency response, and support and signposting for many issues. We also offer adult learning; activities for social wellbeing; and space for recreation and leisure.

What does the Old Trafford Hub do?
The Hub is a core part of our organisation: people who attend our courses and activities also get help from the Hub, and many people who first come here for the Hub go on to attend courses, activities and events here. If you’re not sure what you need, just come in and talk to us.
Old Trafford hub opening times:
Monday 10am - 1.30pm
Tuesday 10am - 1.30pm
Wednesday 10am - 1.30pm
Thursday Closed
Friday 10am - 1.30pm
S​taff are available 9am-5pm for emergency food by arrangement.
Please note that we can only help with fuel top-ups 10am to 12pm.
Old Trafford hub contact information:
Phone: 0161 872 7795 or 07842528967 (9am-5pm Monday-Friday only)
Address: St John's Centre, St John's Road, Old Trafford, M16 7GX
Email: sjccommunityresponse@gmail.com
Website: https://www.stjohnscentre.org/
Manager: Christine Aspinall, Manager and Hub Lead, Lizzie Quinn Hub Coordinator
Local partners and supporters:
Trafford Council
Stretford Public Hall
Around 50 VCSFE organisations across Old Trafford
As Salaam
Feed my City
You can contact the St John's Centre about the following:
General information and signposting about any issue
Loneliness/someone to talk to
Wellbeing calls
Emergency food and household supplies
Food bank referrals
Other food support e.g. The Bread and Butter Thing
Emergency financial assistance
Wi-Fi and computer access
Budget/debt advice or referral
Energy top-ups
Access to Citizens Advice Navigators (Tuesdays only) for help with benefits, debt, housing, etc.
St John's can also provide:
Adult learning, including:
Basic Skills, including ESOL, English and Maths, and IT
Leisure courses including art, craft, cookery
Wellbeing activities, including
Exercise sessions at all levels, including chair-based exercise and women-only classes
Two choirs, and a singing group for people with dementia
African Caribbean Over 50s Lunch Club
Confidence Building courses
Parent and baby group
Children’s activities, including holiday activities
Volunteering opportunities to help people build skills and confidence, reduce social isolation, and support the community
Other information
We are a friendly, informal team of staff and volunteers who will do our best to help anyone who comes to us.
If you have a task that could take a long time, for example completing a housing application, we may ask you to make an appointment rather than being able to do it immediately.
We can’t offer specialist advice on debt, housing, benefits or immigration, but we can refer you to specialist organisations for these issues.
If you want to visit the Hub outside its core hours of 10am-2pm, please phone first to make sure that we can help you, especially if you are travelling a long way.
The ground floor of our building, including the Hub, IT suite and toilets, is accessible to wheelchair users.